Grass as far as the eye can see……and then the grass was left unwatered.Starting the project: clear the lot.Bringing in the stackables.Painters paper to help with weed suppression.Progress Report: all going smoothly.Mulched planting beds.Planted and project complete. The plants look small, don’t they? See the next couple of photos for growth comparison in just over a year.Salvia in bloom.
Spring 2017 – Palo verde in bloom
My clients installed a mostly native garden in 2015. I designed it, and John Corning of KellyGRN installed the garden. It replaced a well-watered swath of grass and now the couple sit outside and enjoy the natural beauty of their park-like setting.
The client put together the video to show the garden progress over time, and I have included those, along with photos of the Before-During-After stages.